Jesus, You have given Yourself to me,
now let me give myself to You;
I give You my body,
that it may be chaste and pure.
I give You my soul,
that it may always love You.
I give You every thought, word,
and deed of my life,
and I offer all
For Your honor and glory.
November 14, 2018
November 13, 2018
I consecrate my mind to you,
that you may enlighten me in all things,
with the light of faith;
my heart,
that you may keep it full of love for Jesus and Mary;
my will, that you may forever
keep it submissive to that of God;
and my body,
that you may make it forever
the temple of the Holy Ghost.
November 12, 2018
O my God!
Who has graciously promised every blessing,
even Heaven itself,
through Jesus Christ,
to those who keep Your commandments;
relying on Your infinite power,
goodness and mercy,
and confiding in Your sacred promises,
to which You are always faithful,
I confidently hope to obtain forgiveness for all my sins;
grace to serve You faithfully in this life,
by doing the good works You have commanded,
and eternal happiness in the next,
through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
November 11, 2018
O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest,
look kindly on your departed veterans who gave their
lives in the service of their country.
Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of your Son
they may share in the joy of your heavenly kingdom
and rejoice in you with your saints forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
November 10, 2018
Merciful Father, I am guilty of sin.
I confess my sins before you and I am sorry for them.
Your promises are just;
therefore I trust that you will forgive me my sins
and cleanse me from every stain of sin.
Jesus Himself is the proposition for my sins
and those of the whole world.
I put my hope in his atonement.
May my sins be forgiven through His Name,
and in His blood may my soul be made clean.
November 9, 2018
O everlasting and Triune God,
I consecrate myself wholly to you today.
Let all my days offer you ceaseless praise,
My hands move to the rhythm of your impulses,
My feet be swift in your service,
My voice sing constantly of you,
My lips proclaim your message,
My eyes perceive you everywhere,
And my ears be attuned to your inspirations.
May my intellect be filled with your wisdom,
My will be moved by your beauty,
My heart be enraptured with your love,
And my soul be flooded with your grace.
Grant that every action of mine be done
For your greater glory
And the advancement of my salvation.
November 8, 2018
Even though I can be so proud,
You humbled Yourself on a cross for me.
Even though I can be so selfish,
You rose to share Your life with me.
A love so great, so deep!
A heart so humble, so generous!
Lord, thank You for caring so much;
for seeing the good I’m capable of,
rather than condemning the bad;
for encouraging the good that’s in me,
the new life within waiting to happen;
for patiently waiting for me to come to life.
Lord, help me to lead a life
worthy of Your love.
- Columban Fr. Pat Sayles
November 7, 2018
Oh dear Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I give You my whole heart.
I see Your Heart on fire for love of me.
I want to be in this fiery furnace
and know the love of God.
Take me, Jesus.
Use me as Your little servant
to spread Your love to this world.
I give myself entirely to You
and I ask the Holy Spirit
to make me more like You.
I want to be a little child of the Father.
I give You my heart,
keep me in Your Heart
and teach me Your way of love.
November 6, 2018
Dear Holy Spirit,
You are my friend.
I give You myself.
I ask You to dwell deeply inside of me
and make me holy.
I want to know the fire of God's love.
I want to love God with all my heart.
November 5, 2018
Obtain for me,
O Good Saint Anne,
the grace to fulfill faithfully,
after your example,
all the duties of my state of life
and to practice, like you,
all the virtues necessary to my salvation.
Grant that after having honored and loved you on earth,
O dear and good Saint Anne,
I may one day go to glorify you,
with God, Mary, the saints and the angels,
during all eternity.
November 4, 2018
O my God, I love You above all things
with my whole heart and soul
because You are all good and worthy of all my love.
I love my neighbor as myself for the love of You.
I forgive all who have injured me
and ask pardon of all whom I have injured.
November 3, 2018
Blessed Saint Joseph,
holy guardian of Jesus and Mary,
assist us by your prayers
in all the necessities of life.
Ask of Jesus that special grace
which He granted to you,
to watch over our home
at the pillow of the sick and the dying,
so that with Mary and with you,
heaven may find our family unbroken
in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
November 2, 2018
Lord God,
you are the glory of believers
and the life of the just.
Your Son redeemed us
by dying and rising to life again.
Since our departed brothers and sisters
believed in the mystery of our resurrection,
let them share the joys and blessings
of the life to come.
November 1, 2018
Dear God, thank you for the example of the Saints.
I desire to join in their company,
worshiping you forever in Heaven.
Please help me follow their footsteps,
and yours, Jesus Christ.
Please help me to conform myself
to Your image, seeking Your will in all things,
as the Saints did.
Please help me to devote myself,
and all that I do, to Your glory,
and to the service of my neighbors.
October 31, 2018
Heavenly Father
we thank you for your many blessings
and for the devout men and women
we will celebrate on All Saints Day.
Help us to use their lives as a model
for how to live in your honor and glory.
Protect all children involved tonights
Halloween events.
Keep them safe and free from harm
today and always.
In your name we pray.