O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of God and Queen of Heaven and Earth,
Through you shines the whole splendor
and magnificence of the Trinity!
O Morning Star, who has merited to usurp the name of the first fallen Star!
You gaze upon the wondrous abundance of the Divine Vision,
as the One closer to the Face of God than all creatures!
Rejoice, for you are more glorious than the Sun,
more beautiful than the Moon,
who shines more golden than the dawn,
more brightly than the stars.
O Immaculate Virgin,
you hold the Light of God in the palms of Your hands,
who beholds the Child Jesus, the Eternal Light,
in wondrous glory for all eternity!
Rejoice O Most Blessed Virgin,
for it is through you that all the Angels of Heaven
and all the Choirs of the Elect
art enlightened and filled with the Incomparable Radiance!